If you are new to the wonderful world of cigars, you may initially think all cigars are the same. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, once you start learning more about cigars, you will find there are many unique aspects of various types of cigars. When you want to make sure the cigar you are holding in your hand is fantastic, remember these five properties that add up to create the perfect cigar. Just keep in mind that the perfect cigar is a personal thing. What you like may not be what others like, and that’s fine! It’s all a personal preference.
While appearances can be deceiving with some things, this does not hold true with cigars. Appearance can be the first, and largest clue to a cigar’s quality. To get a good cigar, always make sure it has a uniform wrapper color. This will show that the cigar has been aged properly. So, take a good look at the cigar to ensure that the quality is high. Be on the lookout for any obvious errors with the package or the cigars. Keep in mind that even though appearance is important, other qualities must be assessed as well.
Aroma and Taste
Once you have a cigar with a wonderful appearance, you next need to judge its aroma and taste. Considered to be the main measuring stick in terms of quality, aroma and taste go together with cigars. Whether you have a strong or mild cigar, the flavor will be smooth and balanced, rather than bitter. So, make sure the aroma and taste match the quality you were expecting. Otherwise, you may end up regretting your purchase.
Great Construction
When you are looking around at an online cigar shop, try to make sure you choose cigars that have the absolute best construction, meaning they have been rolled to perfection. When a cigar has not been rolled properly, it won’t have a good draw. When this happens, you’ll have a hard time on each puff. No one wants to have an improperly rolled cigar. To avoid this potential disappointment and carefully inspect each cigar.
When you buy a box of cigars, each of them should look, smell, and taste the same. If they do, you’ll know you have purchased a great box of cigars you can enjoy whenever you like. Even though you may have to pay a bit more per box, you will be getting cigars that have been rolled by experts. People who understand tobacco and the techniques used to roll the tobacco make sure that it burns consistently from the first puff to the last.
The Pinch Test
Finally, don’t be afraid to use the pinch test to ensure you’ve got a good cigar. For this test, you simply squeeze the cigar gently from its head to the foot. If it feels firm and has no obvious hard or soft spots, you made a great choice. No one wants inconsistency in their cigars. Avoid this by performing the pinch test when selecting a preferred brand.
Whether you smoke your cigars after a hard day at the office, on a weekend when you are relaxing, or to celebrate special occasions, always make sure the cigars you are smoking have these five properties. If they do, you’ll be able to sit back, take puff after puff, and enjoy yourself.